Standing on the balcony, Renji flicked his last fag into the air, watching it dwarfing away. He leaned on the rail, brushing the fine fabric of his suit and snorted... cost a lot of figures to wear this kind of shit. He shook his head while unbuttoning it, ignoring if the tattoos would peek out, and glanced the dancing lights about, lining, curving the snaky streets. He used to live in this neighborhood, but now he felt as if he was an alien to a place he grew up in. Though it pained him to remember the days of his childhood, he'd never dreamed leaving the city that made a mark on him. But apparently he must, and since then the world he left behind moved on. Things had changed these past few years. So thus he.
He raked his black-tinted hair away from his face, roamed his amber eyes under blue contacts to the far right of the city, the dimmest part, and sighed deeply. He promised himself to be there, where someone waits for his return, bring the greatest gift of all, and surprise one particular person in the process.
Not tonight, though. Renji had a schedule to follow.
He glanced back at the glass door behind him, and realized he was getting bored. The night is still young, but galas and those aristocratic faces sweeping across the fancy hall made him feel duller even more.
Pompous ass'...
He turned his attention to his glass and frowned. Shit, no more wine. No way I'm going back there, he said to himself. The world of infamous personality, politicians and the likes irked him. Not that he has a bad behavior to begin with, he just... well, hates it.
Renji can leave if he wants to, marched through that door, kiss all these bullshits goodbye. However, it took him forever to be here, no way to ruin it now. Another cigarette would do to ease himself. Fuck, if he had one.
He was about to turn around, ask someone inside for a fag, when a voice of a man startled him.
"I see boredom is depleting you."
Oh really. Renji cocked a brow haughtily, but kept his gaze plastered somewhere out there. Either deliberately or otherwise, Renji ignored the gesture. It's a shortest way to say "fuck off."
"Forgive the intrusion..." The man walked towards the lamppost, for it seems this six-footer hunk of a creature in a suit deliberately dismissed his presence. "I hope I didn't disturb you..."
Already did. Renji snorted softly and finally glanced over his right. He saw a man with shoulder-length hair, standing under the light, and Renji had to control himself not to laugh, because, really, the man has pink hair - a color too ridiculous for an adult male. "Can I help you," he asked, lips beaming to a greeting, but not too much to show mockery.
The man waved his hand vaguely and shook his head. "I want to ask you the same thing, though, if you don't mind."
Renji smiled, but as soon the man stood in front of him, arm's length, the smile fades.
The eyes under the silver-framed glasses of the man shivered Renji Abarai. He saw amber. No. Gold, and felt his jaw tightened seeing the likes of it again, anger creasing as though burning his nostrils. The stranger's face appeared to be young and treacherously beautiful. The black suit he wears contrasts the color of his skin. Attraction at first sight indeed, however, for Renji, it was an opposite. In fact, both hands wanted to move voluntarily, and strangle the man with everything he owns.
But the eyes...
Renji looked away, hating to see his reflection from those golden orbs.
"Did I frighten you?"
"Did I say something to—"
"No." Renji closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, taken aback by his own reaction. He shook his head and composed himself, force the little smile back. When the man was about to withdraw from the somewhat crude gesture, Renji spoke, and this time it sounded more like a purr. "No. I'm sorry. How rude of me..."
The stranger smiled and offered Renji champagne. "Your glass is empty. Here..." Renji took the glass sheepishly from the alabaster hand, as if he was apologizing. From the start, he knew the man had been watching him since he came out to the balcony. Or better yet, since he stepped inside the premises of this building. Renji's plan is to bait this man, give him what he wanted, and entertain him as best as he could...
Till morning at least.
"Alone, I see," the stranger said, looking about.
"Date runs off," Renji shrugged. "It happens."
"How sad."
"Nah. That's okay. The folks back there thinks I'm insane talking to the wind out here, but then you came and save my day... or night..." who gives a shit. "I owe you, eh?" Shit. Hope that doesn't sound so desperate, he thought.
The man nodded, watching Renji from the rim of his glass. He wanted to say something, but he gazed at the horizon instead.
"You like what you see?" Renji said, almost a whisper, a tease. Fuck decorum.
The man shrugged. "I'd seen it a thousand times."
"I wasn't talking about the stars..."
Caught off guard, the man snickered softly.
Renji inched up a little, lifting the glass to his mouth. "So how about you, someone runs off from you too... Mister?"
"Granz," the man answered. "Dr. Szayel Granz. You can call me by name, though. No sir or doctor, please. I would not allow that kind of formality when I'm outside my profession. It ruins everything. And no. No dates for tonight. No dates for a long time, in fact." He sipped from his glass. "And you are?"
Renji glanced to his right, to the far darkest end of the city. He had to lie. "Kurosaki," he replied, emphasizing the name, as if he wants to tell the man to remember it for the rest of his life. "Ichigo Kurosaki."
"I see."Granz narrowed his eyes for a moment. "Never have I remembered putting you on the guest list."
"Oh." Renji laughed. "So you're the host of this boring party?"
Brow rose for the direct candour. "Touché, Kurosaki-san. I like that. However... look over there." Granz motioned to his right where one giant man stood near the threshold of the door, dressed so formal like a pissed-off federal agent, and Renji wondered right away where the hell the large man came from and how he'd got there without making a noise. "You know I have the capability of... what's that word... throw anyone out for crashing my party? Nevertheless, I do sometimes have an exception, Kurosaki-san." Granz laughed softly. "Save for Medazeppi. He doesn't like gatecrashers." He shrugged. "He doesn't like anyone, in particular, in fact. He despised everything that moves." Granz smiled at this, having the presence of his bodyguard really does had an effect on people.
Renji lowered his glass and set it on the table near him. "My apologies, I guess I'm busted then. Want to kick me out now?"
Granz studied him for a moment, scanning him from head to toe. Renji tried to relax from those eyes, of which he noticed, there's a hint of mischief in it. "Well?"
"Are you begging for punishment, Mr. Kurosaki?"
Renji grinned, though he hated that word. "If you want to."
"Really? Do you know who I am?"
"A doctor?"
"I am more than that."
"You cure me, then?"
"That is up to you."
Renji pushed himself from the rail, closing his distance to the man, paused only when their noses were a few inches apart. Between them, a hand raised. "From what I witness tonight..." Renji purred, tilting the man's chin up, "I need your help on the boring department."
"Then you come to the right place."
Oh this was so easy, Renji thought dimly. "And the gorilla?"
Granz glanced towards Medazeppi. The giant man nodded back and opened the glass door.
"Do not worry about him," Granz said, leading Renji towards the door. "He's harmless."
"And the party?"
Granz smiled over his shoulder and winked. "What party?"
Renji gazed up the walls and frowned. The plaques and the recognitions complicate his eyes. Dr. Szayel Aporro Granz was a known surgeon and a popular one too. Books published under his name, and his methods used all over the country. Genius and a skilled medicine man, but Renji just sneered, sitting on the couch, beer halfway to his mouth. He doesn't give a monkey's ass what this man all about. "Russian?"
Granz glanced up from the bar. "Hm?"
"Granz. Is it Russian?"
"Romanian," the doctor replied.
"You don't sound like one."
"You've been in Rome? You travel a lot, I see?"
Renji smiled. Yeah. Executive whore... and other things. "If opportunity presents itself."
He wandered his eyes again. The house was huge; doors, doors, doors! And the room was bright - too much light, as if he was in a studio shooting a film. To the far corner, he saw a katana displayed behind the glass casing. It caught his attention, though the antique vases, paintings and odd furnitures are far more expensive than the worn-out, jet black sword. "What's that?"
Granz holding a glass sat beside him "Zangetsu."
Renji quipped a brow.
"Zangetsu," the doctor pointed. "The name of the sword."
"Oh..." Renji whistled. "Impressive."
"Yes. It was an antique. It played a big part in history."
"Killed a king, something like that?"
"No. More like... boys. A sacrificial blade."
It was a deadpan answer, and Renji turned away because his irriation shows. "That's... creepy."
"It's an antique."
"Still creepy."
Granz laughed. "Forget it. More beer?"
"No thanks." Renji glanced at his watch. "We should getting down to business."
"Impatient, you are."
You have no idea. "I prefer long hours, if you don't mind," Renji said enthustiatically. "And believe me you needed it."
Tilting his head, Granz snickered. "Really. Then what do you prefer, Kurosaki-san?"
"Sorry. What do you prefer, Ichigo?"
Renji stood and inched closer, then, slowly, pulled the other man up. Face to face, chest to chest, Renji grinned and started to unbutton Granz's shirt.
Granz took the hint. "Ah, that's more like it." He grabbed Renji's wrist long before it reached the fourth button. "Bedroom."
"Thought you never ask." Renji stepped back, lips curving into a naughty smile. "Lead the way."
Medazappi mentally groaned when his attention suddenly caught by the rhythmic thump from the master's bedroom. Hesitating at first, then, fuck it, he stepped closer and wad his ear to the door. Besides he never heard such a chant from Szayel before.
"Yeesss... Oh fuck yes! Harder... like that... don't stop, don't stop!"
Medazappi gulped the lump down to his throat. Boy, his master was indeed chanting.
"Deeper... Yes! You're good at this aren't yah...! Yeah, yes... Like that! Oh god yes!"
"Are... you sure... you're all... right." Medazappi creased his brows hearing Renji's voice. He doesn't trust the man.
Another thump and Medazappi jolted back, scratched the back of his head and walked away. If his master is having fun, then the Master is A-Okay.
The shadow behind the door was gone, inch by inch swallowed by the lights outside. Renji grinned. Gorilla gone. His eyes flicked back to the man squirming under him. The show was about to start...
The bed linen skewed, looking like a wild tide beneath the hail storm. Pillows thrown away, here and there. For the first fifteen minutes, the doctor holds the pillow with his dear life, till he decided he doesn't need it anymore. Renji let Granz enjoy the fucking ride of his life, yet twitching his lips from the chattering mouth who moans and curse like a possessed whore.
Beg, you motherfucker.
"Please..." Granz gasped. "How long..."
"It's for you to decide..." Renji grinned.
"Now. I want it, now!"
"You sure?"
"Fuck yessssss!"
Renji, holding the hips, pushed deeper, making the man under him wiggled like crazy. He shifted to solidify the thrust, to reach the other man's peak, and Renji's gaze began to burn, fingers digging the skin, red lines and markings. There's no lust from the beginning, pretencious bastard he was, only the dark scheme writhing inside his mind.
Time's up.
Granz glared over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"
"Shh..." Renji pulled the man to his chest, hand palming the neck, mouth to ears. "Trust me..."
Granz relaxed a little, his muscle eased by the caress of that hand, closing his eyes again.
"Don't you remember the name..." Renji started as his one hand reaching something under the sheets. "The name you breathe, the name you cursed a while ago?"
Granz was too busy tasting the delicious body grinding behind him, hardly heard or understand what Renji was saying.
"Are you a good boy now... or still the bad one...?"
Granz froze. "What?"
"The name," Renji whispered. "Ichigo Kurosaki? Ring any bells?"
"I'll put it on a check. Now stop teasing and finish what you've started."
Granz's eyes snapped open, alarmed by the use of that tone. He'd engaged himself in games too, but the young man grindding his rear played differently. This is his house, his rules, and before he could amplify that, his neck gripped by a large hand.
"I waited for fifteen years to do this."
There's something on that voice made Granz shivered. He pulled away, or trying to. What the fuck are you talking about, Granz wanted to say out loud, but not until he felt the stinging pain below his collarbone... and the wetness that goes with it.
The thrusting stopped. Renji stopped, and the doctor could hear the silent laugh behind the back of his neck.
He reached up where the hand Renji rested. The younger man was holding something cold, and for a while Granz thought it was a joke... until he saw red.
His eyes began to wide. Renji withdrew and shove him to the bed, but not before turning him around to face him.
Blood. There's blood, and Szayel Aporro Granz knew it was him who's bleeding.
"Yes, that's right," Renji grinned as if he was possessed. "Don't worry, you're not gonna die... not yet at least." He jerked his head at the door when Granz flicked a glance at it. No shadow there, ain't that nice? "Fucker probably playing around with his dick somewhere..." Renji huffed. Medezzepi is too busy fucking his own hand by now, or perhaps shooting his load on walls already. Poor fucker. "Can't blame him, you sounded like a needy bitch a while ago." Renji stretched his legs and began stradling against Granz's thigh, locking the man in place. "See what sex can do to men? Too bad, eh? God must have laugh his ass off building that area." No mockery, it's just that he didn't believe there's an invisible friend uptairs.
Eyes flickered, confused, frantic, Granz's lips moving, but no sound. Renji leaned over.
"What? Oh..." he snickered. "Why, you say? - now that's a funny question. Let me enlighten you, then." Renji pulled Granz closer. He's killing the man, yet it was like having sex again. His voice dropped into a murmur. "Let's start with Ichigo Kurosaki. Remember him? How about Shuuhei Hisagi? Doesn't sound right, does it? Or what about me?" He knew those eyes... the eyes doesn't lie. Granz was too surprised... or Granz really didn't care who's who back then. "Ah, I see," Renji regarded the man. "Names don't matter to you because back then you're so fucked up to remember everything!"
"I... I duh... I duh... don't..."
"You don't?" Renji peered, wiping the blood staining his cheek - a move which Granz recognized, but can't decide which one. Too many young boys had sucked his dick. "Now, try harder."
Granz shook his head, disbelieving. Of course he remembered. He lure young boys as a fancy hobby, offering them everything a money can buy. Pretentious angel. He sheltered pretty young lads from the street, clothe and fed like what the Witch had done to Hanzel and Gretel, and then drugged them when he thought they were ready. Unlike Grimm's Fairytale, Granz's doesn't do happy ending. The lads were shut off for the world outside - only to implore what hell on earth feels like.
And that's the legend of Syazel Aporro Granz and hiscollections. The Boys. Brunette. Tangerine. Crimson. They are all dead as he knew. Especially that fouled mouth kid with orange hair. What was his name...
Memories started to dawn, and Granz's golden eyes began to wide. Ichigo Kurosaki.
And this... this... this is...
Renji doesn't have to strain himself to guess what's inside other man's mind - Granz knew who he was. "I told you I'll be back," Renji drawled, then gripped the dying man's neck. He grinned as his fingers felt the pulse, getting weaker. "One mistake you'd made. One. And that is letting me live." Kill him over and over till he's satisfied. But it's not enough. There was never enough. "How does it feel to be literally impaled now, you sick fucking son of a bitch!"
Renji pushed the blade even further, watching the man squirms as he did. And before he could pull the blade away, or wait for the weeping man to answer, Dr. Szayel Aporro Granz spurted blood from his mouth and tumbled backward. Dead.
Renji glanced at the lifeless body for a few minutes, and then pulled the blade finally from the dead man's body, wiped the blood clean, stood up, picked up his clothes and walked away, simple as that, like nothing happened.
When he came out of the room, there's no gorilla at the main balcony. Or the hall. Or the stairs. Medazeppi was nowhere to be seen inside the house. The giant man was dead, Renji assured himself. He saw Medazeppi beside the pool, laying face-down, eyes wide open. Back at the gala, Renji thought the gorilla was a tough nut to crack... guess he was wrong. Gluttony killed the ape, and Renji made sure the poison would work wondrously according to his time frame.
He walked across the hall, taking his time, looking for something to... Ah! there it is.
He lunged up and pulled the glass cover, took the katana from the wall and wrapped it carefully inside his jacket.
For fifteen years, he waited to bring the sword back.
Zangetsu can now go home to his real owner.
The owner who died fifteen years ago...
Ichigo Kurosaki.
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