Hello. Good news; I’m still alive and breathing, still with fifteen shinigami, five Division Four healers, plus one short-tempered taicho. The whole day was just...I don’t know...lucky, I guess. But I’m not saying that I’m not damn tired. I was patrolling alone yesterday when another Hallow appeared. Don’t worry, this one’s stupid. Must be one of those unfiltered monsters Aizen accidentally made. No sweat. I killed him less than ten minutes. Boring huh? Need the exercise though.
Afternoon: Eat. Write reports. Sleep. More sleep.
Evening: Hey, a hell butterfly came. Guess what? I’m about to go home. Well, not yet now but soon. One question though. Do I have to show you to Rukia, I mean to know if I did well? Need advice. Be right back...
I send her a message and she said, “No of course not, you moron!”—well that was helpful. Back to you as soon as I can, Captain Uptight is calling me again...
Damn it! I was assigned to another area; Living World, where carrot-head lives. Oh what now, to babysit him once more? Can the bastards least give me a day to bath? Hitsugaya-taicho said I’m most qualified for the mission. Duh. I have known Ichigo’s a great fighter, I have an experience on that area, but what’s that got to do with me? Not that I don’t value our friendship and certainly I want to see the surprised on his face when I tell him the news...but...I mean...can they send someone else? I’ve learned from the past couple of weeks the Gotei wants Ichigo to be included to one of the division. I can agree to that. Carrot-head made an impression, but I’m so damn tired to do this mission. Oh well, can’t complain. I’ll leave in two days.
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